Sunday, June 18, 2006

Regina Folk Festival

Well, paint me yellow and call me Woodstock (Snoopy's friend, not the recent violent incarnation of the music festival). But the Regina Folk Festival sounds exciting. Running from August 11-13th, this year's event showcases such talents as Bedouin Soundclash, Ani Difranco, Steve Earle, Five Star Homeless, and Utah Phillips. And for students, a weekend pass is only 64 bucks. That's the price of one quality concert, never mind five! I'm definitely trying to arrange my schedule to go to this, let me know if your interested. Ani has a new album out, but the best thing she's ever done is 'To the Teeth', check it out. And Steve Earle, of course everyone knows 'Copperhead Road', but his recent stuff rocks, like 'The Revolution Starts Now' and 'Jerusalem'. Now that's songwriting. Aside: when 'Guitar Town' was the #1 country album in America, Earle got booed off a stage in Texas, by a group who shouted, "play some real country!" His response was, "this week, my music is real country, so shut up and listen." I love artists who play the music they want to play, and don't cater to what they think the audience wants to hear. Sorry Nickelback, but I'm talking about you. I think an audience should find the artist, not the artist chasing an audience.

Check out the Regina Folk Festival and get some tickets.


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