Monday, October 02, 2006

Terrorism: The New "Where's Waldo?"

I've had this post sitting on the can for a few days too, and just when I'm about to unleash it, I realize that Mike has scooped me! I'm talking about evidence that shows that the Iraq war is actually causing more terrorism than it's preventing and pretty much making things worse for the next generation. My source is Rolling Stone, that anti-establishment rag that frequently has brilliant writing hidden between the pages of pop-star idolizing. Mike's link comes from the New York Times, which makes you register first; my link is free for all. And in case it doesn't remain free for all, I have scanned the article so it can be read as a jpeg. I'm sure this is considered illegal, but information should be free, damn it! The pages are not quite in the correct order because of my computer illiteracy, but the file names are numbered correctly.

Oh, and Mike: I apologize if this post sounds like a rant against you, it just angers me that you live in Japan and therefore all the news happens to you a full 12 hours before it happens to us. This coming February, you have to let me know who wins the Super Bowl before it happens here, so I can make us a ton of money gambling on it. Bling!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do i feel like i've always known this...

10:20 AM  
Blogger Kris said...

Me too. Although people like Bill O'Reilly tend to just shout down folks who say stuff like this. It takes actual published material for them to say "Well, maybe..." And when it comes to global warming, even that doesn't work.

11:28 AM  

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