Thursday, September 07, 2006

If It Ain't a Law, Then It Ain't a Crime

George Bush has just admitted that the CIA has been running covert prisons around the world that have detained and "questioned" terrorist suspects. Since no one knows where these prisons are, it is suffice to say that these people are being held against their universal rights and are being violated. Bush adamantly denies such abuses publicly, but the sly back-door action is telling a different story: the American government is quietly trying to draft legislation that circumvents the Geneva Convention and the War Crimes Act.

What the hell? That CIA World Factbook is useless. There's nothing about secret prisons anywhere on that website. As Homer would say, "I don't even know why we have a world factbook!" My favourite line from this Associate Press post is "Administration officials said they were concerned the ruling left U.S. personnel vulnerable to be prosecuted under the War Crimes Act because the language under the Geneva Conventions was so vague." I love the disregard for responsibility: they would be guilty of war crimes because the law is vague, not because they are actually doing anything wrong. And to make sure they don't get charged? Change the laws, of course!

Instead of solving the problem, they push it aside. I'm fairly certain that Saddam is on trial for the same type of thing. I'm not sure why, but this reminds me of how the United Nations dealt with rising saline levels in drinking water around the world. Instead of finding ways to curb the saline, they decide to just raise the levels that are acceptable. Hey folks in rural Russia! You're drinking water is now safe! Yesterday it was deadly poison, but with a swift eraser rub things are back on track! Enjoy! (I can't find a link to this anywhere, if someone finds one can you post it in the comments, I saw it on CBC awhile back, either take my word for it or do your own damn research! Actually, please do your own damn research. If more people looked stuff up instead of relying on Fox News to pass info on, the world would be a better place)


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