Friday, July 28, 2006

Hearing it from People Actually in Beirut

I don't know anything about this guy, his politics or art or music or whatever. All I know is that he lives in Lebanon and is using his blog to reveal the frustration and horror of what's going on over there right now. Looking at this I felt much more connected than I'd ever get from watching 12hours straight of CNN. Mazenkerblog

In one post he (I think he?) quotes his father about the United Nations: which nations are they united for, and which against?

I stumbled upon this via Kasia.

And I'd like to just point out that the fighting in Darfur is increasing and now spilling over into Chad. The violence here is solely against the civilian population, who the government is punishing for supposedly supporting rebel forces. Civilians caught up everywhere. Interesting that none of the Western countries are trying to broker a peace deal in Africa.


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